Calibration standards (often also described as reference normals,
standards or reference material) are necessary in order to trace
the measurement results on accredited material measures of
the units mass and length.
We will be happy to help you in choosing suitable calibration standards for your measurement tasks!
The traceability of FISCHER calibration standards works according to the following principle.
- We comply with the accreditation procedure of the German accreditation service
(“Deutscher Akkreditierungsservice: DKD/DAkkS”) , please see our
accreditation document
This procedure is applicable for many pure-element-coatings.
Our own DKD/DAkkS-calibration lab secures the traceability on internationally accredited
material measures. Since July 2003, the Helmut Fischer GmbH has, as the first company in Germany,
a calibration lab for the measurement quantity “mass per unit area” certified according to
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. This certification entitles Fischer to issue DKD/DAKKS calibration
certificates for mass per unit area calibration standards that are used to calibrate X-ray fluorescence
instruments for coating thickness measurement.
- For comparing measurements with calibration standards, which are quantified with
the accreditation method and/or with other methods. The reference for the chosen calibration standards,
their nominal values and measurement uncertainties, are documented in the Traceability Reports.
The calibration standard’s Calibration Certificate explicitly refers to this. Therefore each person,
that uses a FISCHER calibration standard, will know on which material measures the standards are traceable.